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"Calm, Reframe and Retrain your brain"

Calm Cognition neurotherapy helps people to understand, address, overcome and prevent trauma, stress, burnout and crisis, using a specialised neuroscience therapy without it being overwhelming or complicated.

What is neuroscience?

Neuroscience is the study of the central nervous system which includes the brain and spinal cord.
We study how the brain works on all levels, some of which include genetics, molecular and cellular biology, neurochemistry, neuroanatomy, functionality, connectivity and how all of these things influence emotions, thoughts and behaviour.

Neuroscience is a rapidly advancing field and is shedding new light on how the brain functions and interacts with the environment, enabling us to improve neural performance and optimize the brain's reparative abilities. Our brains have the incredible ability to continuously rewire itself by developing and strengthening new neural connections and pathways, as well as weaken or remove unused connections and networks.

This remarkable process is known as neuroplasticity and is the foundation of Calm Cognition’s processes.

How is Calm Cognition different from other therapies?

Calm Cognition’s mission is to offer a service built entirely on the latest neuroscience research, where the insights gained are translated into highly effective processes and applied for people who need it.

All of the strategies, models and education provided by Charlotte is centered around building your knowledge and skills in creating calmness, reframing and retraining your brain.
This is done by:

  1. Teaching you how your brain functions biologically under the influence of stress response hormones, so you can understand why you think or feel the way you do.

  2. Using a specialised neuromodulatory model called introspective neuroprocessing therapy (INT), developed by Charlotte, this process is designed to lower your basal cortisol levels, slowly rewire your brain’s connections and pathways and induce a sustainable remodelling of your brain’s networks. Resulting in a completely new awareness of your thoughts and emotions, solutions and internal communication.

The goal is to bring your understanding and neuroscience strategies together to address current trauma, stress, burnout or crisis, as well as give you highly effective preventative tools to stop them from reoccurring in the future when more stressors arise.

How can Calm Cognition help you?

Here are just some of the things that Calm Cognition can help you with:

  • Repairing and prevention of trauma

  • Overcoming and preventing chronic stress

  • Working through burnout

  • Emotional awareness and regulation

  • Tools for addressing and preventing emotional crisis and suicidal thoughts/attempts

  • Working through grief

  • Managing and overcoming anxiety and/or depression

  • Developing effective internal and external communication

If there is anything you need help with and are unsure if Calm Cognition can help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Charlotte and ask.

High risk professionals

Charlotte offers private, independent, confidential and specialised services for individuals who are currently serving, or have previously served, in high risk professional roles. This includes anyone that works in a profession that involves critical incidents, high stress, high trauma, and high risk.

Meet Herx!

Herx is Calm Cognition’s specially trained service dog and is a pivotal part of our team. He plays a very special role for you and will be a part of your in-person session*.

There is research galore out there providing evidence that animals, particularly dogs, can have a significant impact in lowering blood pressure and stress in people, as well as increase the “feel good” hormones and chemicals in our brain.

Herx’s beautiful brain has been specifically trained to help lower your stress response hormones. He has also been developed entirely through neuroscience based strategies. This is what enables him to access all of the areas of his brain that help to support you when you are at your most vulnerable. He is very experienced at what he does and is exceptional at helping people feel safe.

*When you are booking, please indicate if you would prefer not to have Herx in your session.