Introspective Neuroprocessing Therapy (INT)

Developed by Charlotte Moore, INT is a highly effective, physically and emotionally SAFE, specialised non-invasive neuroplasticity therapy designed to calm your brain activity and nervous system then reframe and rewire your brain’s pathways.

Finding and using the right tool for the job is fundamental for success!

Calm Cognition will give you the tools that will fill in the gaps and completely change your life.

How does INT work?

INT is a highly effective, SAFE, brain training process that targets the disordered neural connections and pathways created by trauma, stress, burnout and crisis, and remodels these neural networks to regain brain balance and function. There are two phases to the INT process:

  1. Neutralising

  2. Reframing and rebuilding

1. The neutralising phase:

works by applying processes that calm the heightened nervous system, lower baseline cortisol levels (stress response hormones), slowing and softening excitable neural activity and engages natural brain balance through the reduction of stress hormones and the regulation of neurochemical responses.

2. The reframing and rebuilding phase:

works by safely guiding your brain through a structured process that targets specific brain regions and their pathways. The communication that occurs between new neural connections and pathways are strengthened as old ones are reduced or eliminated, providing the brain with completely new mechanisms to reframe trauma, stress, burnout and crisis.

INT provides an essential framework for regions of the brain that regulate the stress response and builds parasympathetic nervous system tone (rest and relax nervous system).

This not only assists in the reparative effects of trauma, stress, burnout and crisis but also significantly increases the resistance of reoccurrence.

INT works in adjunct with teaching you how your brain translates biological changes into behavioural, so that you can develop a deep understanding and a sense of control about why you think and feel the way you do.

INT has the full advantage of targeting desired brain regions and modulating the communication and function on a neurochemical and structural level using your brain’s self-contained abilities, something that medications and other modalities are unable do.

It is an incredibly versatile therapy, as it has the capacity to assist with any ailment level, provided the individual has the desire to put the work in.

A lot is happening on the inside of your brain as you go through the INT program, but what can you expect to see on the outside?

  • You become less reactive to thoughts, feelings and environments

  • Your memory improves

  • Your sleep improves

  • Your personal and professional relationships improve

  • Your ability to recognise how you feel increases

  • Your focus and productivity improves

  • Your decision making improves

  • Your hormones start to regulate

  • You stop feeling so overwhelmed

  • You start feeling in control

  • Your self awareness increases

  • Your cognitive performance increases

  • Your ability to feel calm, at peace and joy all increase

  • Your self-confidence increases

  • Your fear of failure decreases

    These are only some of the things you’ll see on the outside!